Press release: Steve Bannon and Miles Kwok Organized Mafia Attack Against Critics


Press release

Contact information:

Steve Bannon and Miles Kwok Organized Mafia Attack Against Critics

An Open Letter to

President Donald Trump, The White House

Mr. Jim Risch, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Mr. Bob Menedez, Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Mr. Mr. Linsey Graham, Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee

Ms. Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee

Mr. Eliot Engel, Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee

Mr. Michael McCaul, Ranking Member, House Foreign Affairs Committee

Mr. Jerrold Nadler, Chairman, House Judiciary Committee Ms. Mary Gay Scanlon, Ranking Member, House Judiciary Committee

Mr. Jim McGovern, Chairman, Congressional-Executive Commission on China

Mr. Marco Rubio, Co-Chairman, Congressional-Executive Commission on China

Mr. William Barr, Attorney General

September 23, 2020

We are mostly U.S. citizens who immigrated from the People’s Republic of China to the Western democracies to escape Communist Party repression. In the past few weeks, we have been bullied and harassed by mobs organized by Steve Bannon and his partner, who goes by Miles Guo (also Miles Kwok, Guo Wengui, Haoyun Guo, Wu Nan, Ho-wen Kwok, and other names), who is known to be an agent of China’s secret police. Guo has applied for political asylum in the United States in 2017 under false pretenses.

Guo paid Bannon, a former White House strategist, at least one million dollars after creating a partnership in 2018, but which began in October 2017. Since then, they have organized a dubious following around the world via social media to target the true pro-democracy activists.

During the pandemic, Bannon and Guo spread rumors and falsehoods that the SARS-CoV-2 human coronavirus was a synthetic or man-made biological weapon. They told their audiences that the Chinese and Hong Kong currencies would soon collapse through their partner Kyle Bass. They asked Chinese people around the world who oppose the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to “invest” in their so-called “charities” and business “schemes”. Thousands of people, believing in the anti-CCP cause, sent in millions to their fraudulent investment. Bannon and Guo even established “the New Federal State of China,” pretending that it would be the legitimate government of China after the CCP collapses.

Many victims soon realized that they had been defrauded. They reported the alleged crimes to the United States Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates investments, and the FBI. All these government entities are investigating the Bannon-Guo crimes.

Once the victims discovered one another and united their knowledge and efforts, Guo began to send video messages to harass them wherever they lived around the world. Bannon is backed by Guo. Bannon was arrested in August for another charity-oriented crime.

Both Bannon and Guo are known for their dirty tricks. Bannon has proclaimed himself a “Leninist”, in terms of political tactics to destroy people. Guo is notorious for harassing people and destroying their livelihoods through intimidation and multiple abusive litigation. As he did in China for the CCP when he was actively working for the MSS secret police, Guo terrorized his victims and many other personal rivals in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and other free democracies. He announced dozens of names – many of them witnesses for the federal agencies – and provided his gangs with the victims’ personal information, photos including their home addresses and telephone numbers.

Days before he applied for political asylum in America, he signed a letter pledging loyalty to CCP leader Xi Jinping and made a video pledging to work for Xi while in the United States. At the same time, he filed devasting litigation against Chinese Americans in the US who openly opposed Xi Jinping, while casting himself as a leading opponent of the CCP. In the past two weeks, the Bannon-Guo contingent has shown up in cities, including New York, Los Angeles, Hawaii, Washington DC, and Vancouver, with large Chinese immigrant communities. The mobs show up at their targets’ private residences, holding abusive signs and screaming violent language. They even physically attacked and harmed an elderly gentleman in Los Angeles, and a middle-aged man in New York, causing severe physical harm. Charges have been made against the assailants by the California and New York police.

We urge authorities to protect all Chinese American immigrants and others who have been victims of threats from and financial fraud by Bannon and Guo.


US Citizens and residents

Xianmin Xiong, New York

Jun Chen, New York

Shan Lin, San Francisco

Weidong Li, New York

Qi Lu, Detroit

Qingmin Jin, Los Angeles

Eric Zhang, Chicago

Sasha Gong, Virginia

Jiamei Lu, Hawaii

Yeliang Xia, Virginia

Ashley Wu, Chicago

Rong Shen, Illinois

Berg Lee, Las Vegas

He Lee, Las Vegas

Hongli, Zhao, Arkansas

Ming Zhang, Dallas

Tiffanie Zhang, USA

Yan Zhu, New York

Tan Li, New York

Wendy Liu, Tempe, AZ

Shuxian Haw, USA

Shipping Kong, USA

May Zhang, USA

Joshua, Seattle, Washington

Vicky Chen, MA

Gingger Shi, Chino Hills, CA

Guangfa Xu, Miami, FL

Yu Guan, SC

Xiuming Lin, Greenville, SC

Shen Duo, Washington DC

Hui Johnson, Hawaii

Bianca Shu Frank, Los Angeles

Gang Li, USA

April Ma, Sacramento, CA

Mengmeng Zhou, Sacramento, CA

Eva Wang, NJ

Dingding Guo, USA

Mike W, Las Vegas, NV

Guochen Luo, Boston, MA

Canadian Citizens and residents

Bingchen Gao, Vancouver

Maggis Zhang, Vancouver

Ningyu Huang, Vancouver

Alice Zheng, Vancouver

Jinnao Yang, Montreal

Mingjun Chen, Toronto

Shuangling Bao, Canada

Mike Wang, Vancouver

Shuangling Bao, Canada

Shiyu Fan, Toronto

Duan Zhao, Canada

Victor Powe, Canada

Grace Tian, Canada

From other countries:

Shaomin Li, Chile

Zili Rong, France

Hongbing Yuan, Australia

Wanli Zhu, New Zealand

Sayaka Miyazawa, Japan

Shizuka Yamashita, Japan

Yuan Gao, Xi’an, China

Ya Dan, Japan

Rui Wang, Australia

Wai Ming Poon, Hong Kong

Souga Kousin, Japan

Alan Chan, Hong Kong

Jenny Gong, Sweden

Carol Lu, Australia

Andy Wan, Australia

Hong Liang, UK

Qi Liu, Melbourne, Australia

Shang Ye Liang, Taiwan

Catherine Li, UK

Wei Cao, Netherlands

Sonia Kong, New Zealand

Mao Qiuhua, Greece

Yi Liu, Germany

Hui Han, Austria

Tony Yang, Australia

Hugh Hung, Australia

Mikio Kobayashi, Japan

Tokiwa Sei, Japan

Timmi Man, Germany

Susan Su, Japan

Rebot Wang Chino, Japan

Chang Jin, Sidney Australia

Takagi Nana, Japan

Many more people will sign in the next few days.


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