A Blind Man Leads a Blind Man, and Heads to a Pit

-          - My two cents on the bail hearing for Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou


Lack of basic understanding of Chinese people, culture, gov, & biz is keeping the bail hearing from truth and may lead to fatal mistakes in final decision making. I hope someone can pass this message to the Judge as soon as possible.

First, the argument of Meng’s lawyer, David Martin, on Chinese culture is a total nonsense & an insult to human intelligence. He argued that if she flees Canada, she will “embarrass China itself.” No that’s not true at all – anyone looking at either Chinese protestors outside the court, demanding release of Meng, or the news on reactions of Chinese government and people in China, will understand that Chinese government, Meng’s family, Huawei and majority of Chinese believe that the detention of Meng is evil and therefore, fleeing Canada is not a shame, but a totally justified action that will make Meng a national heroin, rather than a family disgrace! Defeating enemy (with any means) is the ultimate “face” in Chinese culture.

Second, Martin said that Meng's fleeing would be "inconceivable." That’s not true either, and let me explain what is inconceivable.

If Meng is extradited to US, indicted, tried and convicted, she could possibly serve up to 30 years in prison. What is Meng? the CFO of a World-leading company and a daughter of the company’s founder/CEO, and therefore a person of unlimited power and resources to avoid serving 30 year sentence in prison. It will be INCONCEIVABLE for her NOT to leverage her power and resources get avoid the risk, right?

Let me RE-emphasize: it is inconceivable for Meng and her family, and her company, NOT to try every means and use all resources to keep her away from having even the tiniest chance of serving 30 years in American prison!

Understanding the above, the following are given:
  • $15,000,000 bail? Meng can pay $150,000,000 for bail; half in cash? she can pay 120% in cash – including gratuity to the Judge.
  • Hiring Lions Gate that provides 24/7 surveillance? How about bribing one guard on duty to assist in the flight and then the guy flies away together with Meng, with a suitcase of cash given by you-know-whom,  and enjoys the rest of his life on the beach of Sanya, Hainan, happily ever-after?
  • Because Meng’s husband is not a legal resident of Canada and therefore is not qualified to be her surety, the court is looking for a legal resident to take that place. Why? Is there any Canadian, except Elon Musk, can resist the amount of money Meng can offer for assisting her to flee Canada? Especially, this person will most likely to be an immigrant from China?
  • House-arrest? I beg your pardon?

In short, with unlimited power and abundant resources, Meng can fly out of Canada in a way that’s probably out of imagination of His Honor, the Judge.

So the only correct decision is, do NOT grant her bail!

Or, the final decision will very likely to be an outcome of “a blind man leading a blind man, and heading to a pit”.

Eric Zhang


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