
Showing posts from September, 2018

In China, Teachers Are Forced to Declare Atheists

It’s long been Chinese government’s policy that NO one is allowed to preach religious message to youth under 18 years old, while students are taught of Communist ideology, atheist beliefs and hatred of the West on a daily basis. Now the regime has stepped up this effort to a new height – forcing teachers to declare atheists and promise to teach students about atheist/Communist/nationalist ideologies only! Below is a snapshot of an official form, issued by government to all schools in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province and force teachers to sign and declare to be an atheist. Keep reading for original Chinese text and my translation. ( original text in Chinese ) 为了进一步坚定理想信念,振兴民族的希望,振兴教育的希望,解决好世界观、人生观、价值观这个“总开关”问题。我是人民教师,本人结合实际,郑重做出如下承诺: 1.     我坚持正确的政治方向,崇尚科学,宣传无神论,反对有神论和封建迷信。 2.     我坚决不信教,不参与宗教有关的任何活动,不在任何场所宣扬和传播宗教。 3.     牢固树立马克思主义宗教观,加强无神论教育学习,...